
Canterbury, Omarama

Sierra Motel

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Rooms start from

per night


Sierra Motel in Omarama offers a cozy retreat in the heart of the Mackenzie Country. This charming motel provides comfortable rooms and convenient amenities, making it ideal for both relaxation and adventure. Discover the nearby Omarama Airport, popular for gliding and scenic flights, or take a leisurely stroll along the Omarama Stream. For the more adventurous, the stunning Ahuriri Valley awaits with its breathtaking landscapes and hiking trails. Enjoy a day trip to the picturesque Lake Benmore for fishing or picnicking. Look below for links to other motels in the area!

Motel Details

Motel ID:

Rooms start from:
$184 per night

8 Twizel Omarama Highway

0800 743 772


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