
Attention Motel Owners

We have pre-loaded many of the motels in New Zealand to make it easier for everyone to get going so if you see your motel just click on the graphic on your page to claim your listing, fill out the form and make your payment, it is as simple as that!

Once you have signed up you can select your facilities, write your descriptions, add your photos and of course select your price range - but perhaps the most important thing is you can promote your contact details.

Visitors can then get hold of you and talk about their requirements,  the price they pay you is up to you! Even if you match prices offered on the corporate sites you will still make more margin as there is no commission payable to this site.

If you're not comfortable adding your own information you can always get in touch and we'll help you out!

We hope you get heaps of new business and we look forward to working with you!