
Showing 1 to 12 of 160 results

How good is your motel's own website

We want to send people to your website - make sure they get a good impression when they visit!

Global Candy Ltd

Global Candy Ltd been wholesaler of confectionery and snack foods in the North Island for over 30 years, to retail and commercial establishments throughout the North Island.

Discounts and Freebies

Discounts and Freebies

2 Great cards to travel with. They not only get you great deals in supporting Motels, Campgrounds and Holiday Parks.

Tourism Industry Chat

Tourism Industry Chat

I have set up a facebook group where owners and clients can talk about what they like and what they would want to see in New Zealand Motels and Campgrounds.

Our Awards

Our Awards

LUXlife in the UK has chosen Paul's Motels as Best Motel & Visitor Experience Planning Company 2024 - New Zealand. A very proud moment for our company. Not possible without great support. Whitfield Consulting for building this platform and Creative Q that manages our digital marketing. Both from Tauranga. Vision Awards are UK based.

Our Awards

Our Awards

When your a young company, just being notice by a prestigious UK Magazine is something in itself. Whoever you are that nominated Paul's Motels for this award, thank you. With the support of Motels and the public this will become the premier Motel directory in New Zealand. It was a very proud moment reading the notification which will be published in the October edition.

NZ's easiest to use Motel search site, and it's fast.

My mission is life is to get people thinking “New Zealand”. If we all support directly New Zealand companies where ever we can, then the money stays in New Zealand to grow our economy.