
Paul's Motels is an online community engaged in offering directory services through pages appearing on this website

The following terms and conditions are aimed at keeping Paul's Motels a safe community for you and everyone else.

Acceptance of Paul's Motels terms and conditions: The terms and conditions are the terms by which Paul's Motels allows you to access its Website and the Services offered therein. By registering as a member of Paul's Motels you accept these terms and conditions. We expect you to refrain from using the Services if you do not accept these terms and conditions.

Amendment of terms and conditions: These terms and conditions may be updated in whole or in part by Paul's Motels from time to time. Updates will be effective immediately upon posting of the updated terms and conditions on the Paul's Motels Website. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the latest terms and conditions. Your continued use of the Services offered through entering the Paul's Motels Website shows you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions as updated. The date of the most recent date of update is shown directly below:

Terminology: In these terms and conditions, the following terms have the following meanings:
‘Account Owner’ means the person signing up for the Service on behalf of a company and who is the contracting party and is the person who authorised to use any correspondent account we may provide in connection with the Service.
‘item’ or ‘items’ means goods, services or property that may be viewed, purchased or sold through the listing process on one or more of the businesses listed on Paul's Motels;
‘member’ means a registered member of Paul's Motels. Members may establish and operate one or more pages or stores or they may be solely registered for the purpose of browsing and buying listed items, etc. from Stores;
‘Member Service(s)’ means a promotional or business service that has been advertised by a Paul's Motels member on one or through their storefront;
‘Services’ means any one or more of the services offered by Paul's Motels.
‘Store’ means any member acting as a seller offering or advertising the offer of goods, services or property via a storefront through a page hosted by Paul's Motels;
‘Storefront’ means the visible and or accessible listing of any member’s presence on this site;
‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ are a reference to Paul's Motels;
‘you’ and ‘your’ are a reference to you;


The Relationship: The relationship between Paul's Motels and the Sellers or the Buyers is one whereby, Paul's Motels is solely providing a venue for Sellers to offer goods, services, etc. and where buyers can browse and buy from Sellers. Moreover, there is no employer-employee relationship nor is there a principal-agent relationship between Paul's Motels and the Sellers or the Buyers.

The services: Paul's Motels offers a way (the service) for advertisers or sellers of goods, services or property to easily promote such to buyers. Likewise, buyers are presented with a place to browse and shop. Paul's Motels does not enter into these transactions – each transaction is the responsibility of the buyer and seller to complete. Payments are all made through the seller’s chosen payment system and are separate to Paul's Motels. Paul's Motels does not retain or process any funds for purchase on behalf of members.

At your own risk: Transactions and all other contacts between you and other members and sellers are conducted entirely at your own risk. You agree that Paul's Motels takes no responsibility or liability for any misconduct of any of its members including, without limitation, members that have registered under false pretences or who attempt to defraud you.
Paul's Motels gives no undertakings, representations, or warranties in relation to items sold or listed on any mall including:
about ownership of any item;
as to the content, safety, description, existence, worthiness, quality, or legality of the items that are listed on the Store;
as to the accuracy or truth of listings;
that any item will meet your requirements or expectations; or
about the ability of members to complete a transaction.

Disclaimer: You expressly understand and agree that:

  • your use of the Services is at your sole risk. The Website and services are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Paul's Motels disclaims and excludes all implied conditions or warranties, including, but not limited to, any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement;
  • where Member Services are offered in the Services Category, Paul's Motels disclaims and excludes liability for any guarantees that a Member Service will be carried out with reasonable care and skill, fitness for a particular purpose, time of completion or price for the provision of a Member Service;
  • Paul's Motels does not warrant that i) the services provided will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error free, or ii) that any information (including feedback where possible) provided on the Website is error-free or reliable;
  • no advice or information that is obtained by you from Paul's Motels or anyone else shall create any warranty by Paul's Motels that is not expressly stated in the terms and conditions; and
  • responsibility for the content of advertisements appearing on this Website (including hyperlinks to advertisers’ own websites) rests solely with the advertisers/sellers. The placement of such advertisements on the Website does not constitute Paul's Motels’s recommendation or endorsement of the advertised goods, services or property. Each advertiser is solely responsible for any representation made in connection with its advertisement.
  • while Paul's Motels may facilitate payment for some items by credit card, Paul's Motels is in no way involved in the transaction itself, and responsibility for any refund rests with the seller.
  • while Paul's Motels has systems in place to reduce the risk of credit card fraud, Paul's Motels is not responsible for protecting members from credit card fraud. Paul's Motels’s fraud protection systems may from time to time block legitimate credit card payments. In these cases, payment will need to be made by other means.

Liability: You agree that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, any and all liability and responsibility of Paul's Motels to you or any other person under or in connection with these terms and conditions, or in connection with the services, this Website, another Member’s acts or omissions, or your use of or inability to use, the services or this Website, is excluded regardless of whether such liability arises in contract, tort (including negligence), equity, breach of statutory duty or otherwise. Paul's Motels’s liability and responsibility is excluded in respect of any and all loss or damage, whether direct or indirect, including, without limitation, loss of profits, loss of data, loss of business or anticipated savings, general and special damages, and consequential and incidental loss.

Indemnity: You agree to release us, indemnify us and keep indemnified us from and against all actions, claims, costs (including legal costs and expenses), losses, proceedings, damages, liabilities, or demands suffered or incurred by us to any person arising out of or in connection with your failure to comply with these terms and conditions, your failure to complete a transaction, your use of Paul's Motels’s message boards, your sale or attempted sale of an item prohibited under clause 4.2(e), or arising out of any content or item you submit, post, transmit, or make available through the Services.

Breach: Without limiting any other rights and remedies available to Paul's Motels, Paul's Motels may limit your activities on the Website, remove your offers or listings, warn other members of your actions, issue a warning to you, suspend or terminate your membership, or refuse to provide our Services to you if you breach these terms and conditions or where Paul's Motels considers it appropriate.

Becoming a Member: Becoming a member is free. You may only register as a member if you are at least 18 years old or have reached the age of majority in the jurisdiction where you reside or from which you use this Service and can form a legally binding contract that is enforceable against you. By registering as a member, you warrant that you can form a legally binding contract.

Accurate Information: You warrant that you have provided complete, accurate and current personal information required when registering as a member. You must maintain and keep up to date at all times your personal information held by Paul's Motels. Paul's Motels may telephone or mail you to verify these details. You must not register as a member under multiple identities or personas (whether false or not). However, at Paul's Motels’s discretion, you may create a business membership to operate a page in addition to your personal membership.

Termination of membership: Paul's Motels reserves the right to decline to register or to terminate your membership without entering into further discussions with you. Without limiting the foregoing, Paul's Motels may terminate your membership if a serious complaint or multiple complaints are received about you from other members, if you breach these terms and conditions, if you impersonate another member, or if we, at our sole discretion, deem your behaviour to be unacceptable. Members who have registered under multiple aliases will have all of their aliases disabled.

Security of your login information: You are responsible for keeping your login information, including your email address and password, secret and secure. Paul's Motels cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage from your failure to maintain the security of your account and password. Without limiting the foregoing, you agree:

  • not to permit any other person to use your user name or membership; and
  • not to disclose, or provide to any other person other than your agent or authorized third party representative, your password, email address, date of birth or any other information in connection with your membership that may allow them to gain access to your membership. However, it must be noted that Paul's Motels shall never be liable for any consequences of such action.

Emails and newsletters: You agree that Paul's Motels will use the email address you provide as the primary method for communication. Paul's Motels will send you emails relating to your membership, transactions and other activities on the Website, and for promoting and marketing other Paul's Motels products and services to you. Paul's Motels may also send regular electronic newsletters to members. Newsletters will contain clear and obvious instructions for how you can unsubscribe from the mailing list.

All listings, offers to sell or buy, or communications made through Paul's Motels shall be made in good faith.
You must not damage, interfere with or harm the Website or Services, or any network, or system underlying or connected to them, or attempt to do so. You must not transmit any worms, trojan horses or viruses or any code of a destructive nature.
You may not use a robot, spider, scraper or other unauthorised automated means to access the Website or information featured on it for any purpose.
You may not use the Paul's Motels service for any illegal or unauthorised purpose nor may you, in the use of the Service, violate any laws in your jurisdiction (including but not limited to copyright laws).
You may enter your appropriate, current and actual contact details in the relevant contact detail fields of those listing categories which specifically provide for those details. False details are not permitted.

You should list in the currency of the jurisdiction where your sales business is located. However, you may choose to list in a currency other than the one applicable to where your sales business is located. By listing in a currency other than where your sales business is located you will accept the currency conversion rates of any intermediary supplier. Regardless, you are agreeing to the rates supplied by any currency conversion mechanism used by either Paul's Motels or any 3rd party payment system you choose to use. You must include any prevailing value added or goods and services tax or similar as may be applied to those goods, services or property in your jurisdiction. All tax obligations are the responsibility of the seller and/or the buyer (as the parties determine). Of course, value added or goods and services tax or similar may be deducted in respect of overseas transactions as allowed in your jurisdiction. Importing buyers then become responsible for any import taxes and duties. Sellers should make this clear to overseas buyers.
For sale of land or other real properties, the legal requirements of the place where the real property is located shall be strictly complied with. The Seller will vouch to the Buyer for whatever legal purposes it may serve that the proper legal protocol has been followed. The Contract of Sale shall be between the Seller Member and the Buyer Member. In case of misrepresentation, it shall be the sole duty of the Seller to pay damages to the Buyer. Paul's Motels shall not be liable for anything being not a party to the Contract.

You are responsible for any actions taken through your membership. Paul's Motels memberships are not transferable and therefore cannot be sold, leased, lent or traded.

Your obligations as a Service Provider
You may establish the appearance of your Paul's Motels store using any available Paul's Motels template.
Paul's Motels may add or modify the elements that refer to the site or to Paul's Motels at its discretion. Paul's Motels may modify the Theme where it contains, in our sole discretion, an element that may be unlawful, offensive, threatening, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, or otherwise objectionable, or that violates any person’s intellectual property, even if you have used the design elsewhere.
Paul's Motels may modify elements of the design template to reflect technical changes and updates as required.
The Service Provider  is responsible for managing the content and look of their page with a view to optimising the content to ensure browsers are attracted to their offerings.
The Service Provider recognises that Paul's Motels may upload new content which appears on your store. Paul's Motels may also make changes without notice from time-to-time which will require the Service Provider to make changes to elements of their Store.
It is the responsibility of the Service Provider to ensure that content that is uploaded onto their page(s) (images, items for sale, etc.) is content which it has rights to display, use or sell. That content may be uploaded by the Service Provider, any of their agents (whomsoever they may be) or Paul's Motels.
The intellectual property rights of designs, content, images or similar remain the property of the IP owner. If you exceed the rights of IP, legal action may be taken against you, and Paul's Motels may take administrative action such as modifying your store or closing your store.
Technical support for a design is the responsibility of the Seller, and Paul's Motels accepts no responsibility to provide support.
It is the responsibility of the Seller, and not Paul's Motels, to ensure that the design of their store design meets their requirements.
Service Providers may be located in jurisdictions other than where the buyer resides. To avoid the prospect of fraud, it is the responsibility of both Sellers and Buyers to be aware of the possible effects of transacting with jurisdictions which are regarded as high risk by the financial services community.
Generally, the person signing up for the service is the account holder.
If you are signing up for the Service on behalf of your employer, then your employer is understood be the account holder. Moreover, it is understood that you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind your employer to Paul's Motels’s Terms and Conditions.
You will only enter goods, services or property listings that are accurate, current, complete, to which you have title and include all relevant information about the terms of sale, payment terms, shipping/receipt methods and who bears the cost of shipment. You must list an item in one category only per mall which must be the most appropriate category for your item.
Listings must be genuine and in keeping with the purpose and objective of the website.
You will only place listings for goods, services or property that exist and are to be sold. You will not list goods, services or property that you are not legally entitled to sell or that are not in your possession or that your are not able to deliver.
You must not list anything that is illegal, offensive (including anything of a defamatory, pornographic, or racially or ethnically objectionable nature), stolen, or unsafe, anything which infringes copyright or other intellectual property rights, items which have been illegally imported or which would require illegal import or export in order to complete the transaction, or any item of which the sale is prohibited by, or violates any, law. You are responsible for ensuring that any listing by you does not breach this requirement. You agree that Paul's Motels may disclose your personal information, including your name and contact details, to the relevant authorities, parties and/or the applicable intellectual property right holders (or their representatives) if we consider that you are in breach of this requirement at any time.
Paul's Motels seeks to protect intellectual property and asks its Sellers to do the same. Our policy is to respond to all notices of alleged copyright infringement. If we are notified that a Seller is infringing intellectual property rights we may remove or stop access to the material claimed to be a copyright infringement. Once provided with a notice to takedown, the Seller can reply with an objection to the complaint. The original complainant will have 14 business days after we receive a counter notification (of which they will be informed) to seek a court order stopping the Seller from engaging in the infringing activity, otherwise we restore the material.
When a Seller lists goods, services or property on Paul's Motels, they may also advertise the item through another forum. If the goods, services or property expire, are out of stock or otherwise no longer available they must act forthwith and accordingly and keep the status of listing up-to-date either by withdrawing the listing or by informing when the goods, services or property will be next available.
Paul's Motels classifieds or banner advertisements or anything similar may be used by individuals or businesses to list specific goods, services or property.
Your listing may contain a URL for a website that contains further information on the goods, services or property you have listed. This website may also offer goods, services or property for sale, and it may contain (your) contact details.
You must not use Paul's Motels listings to promote a business or website other than the one offering particular goods, services or property. Should you wish to offer goods, services or property via another business or promote that business you will need to create a new Store for that business and offer the goods, services or property of that business via that Store through its Storefront.
You must not use the Services or the Website to sell items that are of a speculative nature including, but not limited to; pyramid, gambling services, surf-for-free, or similar schemes.
You must not manipulate prices through setting up multiple Stores for the same or similar goods, services or property.
You may choose to sell to any buyer at your discretion.
Listings are not pre-screened for content. Paul's Motels reserves the right to remove any listing that it deems unsuitable or in breach of the terms and conditions.
You agree to provide an email address in order to answer questions from buyers and that your email address will be supplied to the buyer when a sale is made.
You must promptly meet the terms of delivery associated with the listed goods, services or property to the successful buyer on completion of the transaction.
You must not charge unreasonable amounts for shipping and packaging costs.
Monitoring feedback on their store and responding in a reasonable way.
Your obligations as a buyer
You must be located in the jurisdiction where you are registered.
You must only click buy at the check out if you intend to buy the relevant item(s) at the price offered including shipping costs if applicable.
You must complete the transaction in the manner specified and in so doing you warrant and represent that you have the legal right to enter into and complete the transaction.
You must make full and prompt payment for any item you buy.
You agree to your registered name and your email address being supplied to the seller when you ask a question related to their offering or complete a transaction.
If, when buying, you default on payment for the item, you will receive a warning from Paul's Motels if the seller complains about you. Depending upon the seriousness of the complaint, Paul's Motels may suspend or terminate your membership.
In the event they decide to leave feedback regarding a store they must be reasonable, constructive and not include anything of a personal nature.
For payments, you agree to:
resolve directly any issue with the Seller with the aim of reasonably resolving any problem transaction before requesting a refund.
return the goods (with original packaging if so involved) should you seek a refund from the Seller in the event that they are not as described or arrive damaged.

Paul's Motels Listing Fees
Paul's Motels does not charge fees under its Free Plan.
Any Fees will not be charged by Paul's Motels unless the store owner has expressly consented.
Paul's Motels will charge fees, the level of which are set at its discretion, for the use of select services, benefits and tools offered by the Website or its affiliated Websites.
Paul's Motels’s current fees and fee structure are listed on our pricing page.
Any plan, listing or upgrade fees are charged when you the store owner decides on a listing plan and or makes plan alterations from time to time. The fees are not refundable.
Paul's Motels reserves the right to change the fees charged for any of it’s Services at any time. In the event that Paul's Motels introduces a new service, the fees for that service will be effective at the launch of the service, unless otherwise stated. Fee changes for ongoing selected services only take effect for next billing cycles.
The jurisdiction of the seller and the buyer will determine whether any “local” taxes apply to a sale. The Seller should state clearly their jurisdiction and what local, if any, taxes apply. Similarly, the Seller has the right to stipulate the currency of the transaction. Unless otherwise stated in the terms and conditions of the Seller, no interest or other financial charges will be applied to Paul's Motels account balances.
Paul's Motels reserves the right to investigate queries regarding the refund of purchase costs with buyers, store owners, and any other relevant parties.
Where there are applicable fees for select services, benefits and tools which are chosen by the service provider, those fees must be paid immediately to Paul's Motels in order to receive the chosen select services, benefits and tools chosen by the store owner.
Paul's Motels Accounts
Paul's Motels maintains accounts for the payment of Paul's Motels Services for each member and from which members must pay service fees including payment of advance listing options. Paul's Motels accounts may not be used for the payment of items sold using the Services. Paul's Motels Service fees are non-refundable.
For Affiliates, Paul's Motels will maintain commission accounts into which commission payments will be made and from which withdrawals may be made. The terms and conditions of an Affiliate account are available under separate cover as part of the Affiliate Agreement
You must settle any negative account balance immediately. Paul's Motels reserves the right to take action against you to recover outstanding debts. You are liable for all expenses (including legal fees) that Paul's Motels incurs when collecting that debt.
Promotional giveaways of Paul's Motels credits, bonus credits, or any free credits gifted to the member on registration will not be refunded.
If you have not logged on to the Website for a period of 18 months, any unused balance on your account is forfeited to Paul's Motels and your membership may be suspended.

System Integrity: Paul's Motels will use its reasonable endeavours to ensure the availability of the Website and Services, subject to any downtime required for maintenance. However, Paul's Motels takes no responsibility for any system unavailability, or for any loss that is incurred as a result of Website or Services being unavailable. Further, Paul's Motels assumes no responsibility for the corruption of any data or information held by Paul's Motels.
Resolution of disputes: As Paul's Motels is not a party to any sale or transaction between you and another member, you agree not to involve, or attempt to involve, Paul's Motels in any dispute or in the resolution of disputes that arise between you and another member as a result of the Services provided.
Should any user or 3rd party have a dispute with a member of Paul's Motels, it is for the user or 3rd Party to resolve said dispute directly with the member. Paul's Motels will not become a party to said dispute.
Force Majeure: Paul's Motels has no liability for any lack of performance, unavailability or failure of the Services or the Website, or for any failure of Paul's Motels to comply with these terms and conditions where the same arises from any cause reasonably beyond the control of Paul's Motels.
No Waiver: If we do not exercise or enforce any right available to us under these terms and conditions, it does not constitute a waiver of those rights.
Partial Invalidity: If any provision of these terms and conditions becomes or is held to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal for any reason, and in any respect, that provision shall be severed from the remaining terms and conditions, which shall continue in full force and effect.
Governing Law: These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of New Zealand. You submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of New Zealand.
Intellectual Property Rights: All proprietary and intellectual property rights remain in the ownership of its legal owner whether it be Paul's Motels, its licensors or suppliers, as the case may be, as pertaining to their involvement in the Website (including text, graphics, logos, icons and sound recordings) and the software and other material underlying and forming part of the Services and the Website.
You may not without our prior written permission, in any form or by any means:
Adapt, reproduce, copy, store, distribute, print, display, perform, publish or create derivative works from any part of this Website; or
Commercialise, copy, or on-sell any information, or items obtained from any part of this Website.
Entire agreement: These terms and conditions supersede all previous conditions, understandings, commitments, agreements and representations whatsoever whether oral or written, and constitute the entire agreement, between the parties, relating to the subject matter of these terms and conditions.
Privacy: Paul's Motels collects personal information about you through your use of the Services and the Website, including:
your registration details; and
information relating to your use of the Website and the content you access.
You agree that Paul's Motels may use this personal information to assist us to provide the Services to you, for internal research purposes, to verify your identity, for promoting and marketing other Paul's Motels products and Services to you, and for any other use that you authorise
We will not sell or allow third parties to access your personal information without your consent. We release account and other personal information only when we believe release is appropriate to comply with law; facilitate court proceedings; enforce or apply our terms and conditions; or protect the rights, property, or safety of Paul's Motels Limited, our users, or others. Government agencies with statutory roles enabling them to request information from us include but are not restricted to bodies such as the Police, Tax Department and Economic Department of any jurisdiction. You may contact Paul's Motels to ask whether information has been provided to government agencies.
If you intend to take legal Dispute Proceedings against another member and you require that member’s contact details in order to take such proceedings, Paul's Motels will release those details to you if you make a Statutory Declaration stating that you require that member’s contact details for the sole purpose of taking Disputes Proceedings. You may obtain a Statutory Declaration for this purpose by contacting Paul's Motels or the Disputes Tribunal.

This code sets out principles and behaviours that the Paul's Motels Community reasonably expects of buyers and sellers participating in online promotions or transactions.
Basic Principles
The Community expects buyers and sellers to:
Conduct themselves honestly and in good faith at all times.
Comply with all laws, including sale of goods and intellectual property laws.
Comply with Paul's Motels’s terms and conditions.
Service providers/Sellers agree to:
Describe items fully and accurately and answer questions promptly.
Respond to emails as soon as possible, and within two working days.
Ensure items are shipped as soon as possible, and within a week of receiving payment and delivery address, unless otherwise indicated in the listing or agreed by both parties.
Charge only fair and reasonable amounts for shipping and make best endeavours to state shipping costs in listings.
Not place negative feedback without making best endeavours to resolve issues through email first.
Not engage in retaliatory feedback or behaviour.
Not subsequently spam previous buyers
Buyers agree to:
Respond to emails as soon as possible, and within two working days.
Pay for goods purchased as soon as possible, and within a week of making the purchase and receiving payment details – unless otherwise agreed between buyer and seller or as set out in the terms of purchase.
Not place negative feedback without making best endeavours to resolve issues through email first.
Not engage in retaliatory feedback or behaviour.
Not subsequently spam previous sellers.
Professional Sellers agree to:
Comply with all relevant laws, especially any fair trading laws which apply to their jurisdiction and which would otherwise be common across multiple jurisdictions.
Ensure goods are of acceptable quality, safe and durable, and draw attention to any defects or known issues in relation to their use and or storage which may affect a buyer’s decision to go ahead with transaction.
Ensure goods are fit for the purposes including any purposes indicated in the listing.
Act responsibly and promptly to fix any product faults within a reasonable time after the sale (other than those caused by unreasonable use) or offer a replacement or refund.

Most Human Rights Acts aim to provide better protection of human rights in their jurisdiction.
This means that if you’re advertising goods or services on a Paul's Motels website, e.g. listing an in-home service or a rental service, you can’t discriminate against people on a number of grounds.
Although there are a few exceptions (e.g. housemates wanted), the following list summarises the generally prohibited grounds of discrimination:
Marital status (e.g. whether to be single, married, in a civil union or a de facto relationship, separated, a party to a marriage or civil union now dissolved, widowed)
Sexual Orientation
Religious belief (or lack of a religious belief)
Ethical belief
Ethnic or national origins (includes nationality and citizenship)
Political opinion (including having no political opinion)
Employment status (e.g. being unemployed or receiving either a Social Benefit)
Family status (e.g. having dependents or not having dependents)

Credit Card Security – Paul's Motels and payments to Paul's Motels
We work diligently to protect the security of your personal information, including credit card information.
When making a payment to Paul's Motels, the name that will appear on your statement will be “Whitfield Consulting”
Your credit card information is protected during transmission by using the Secure Sockets Layer or Transport Layer Security (SSL or TLS) protocols, which encrypt your information when transmitted over the Internet.
Paul's Motels retains only partial credit card details on Paul's Motels servers, including a truncated credit card number. However your credit card details may be held by our payment provider, Stripe (review their Privacy Policy).
Where subscribed for Upgrade Services your Credit Card details will be held by Stripe. When clearing the balance of your Paul's Motels account by credit card, you may have the option to “save this card for next time”. If you choose this option, your credit card details are encrypted and securely stored by DPS.

Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored in a browser-related file on your computer’s hard drive when you use our Web site. We use cookies to improve the member experience. We also use them to deliver information and fresh content specific to your interests. Cookies are widely used on most major Web sites.
Paul's Motels mostly uses “session” cookies, which are removed when you exit your browser.
Paul's Motels also uses persistent cookies to personalise and enhance the user experience. Persistent cookies allow us to track users on Paul's Motels and help us identify users abusing the Paul's Motels service. They are also used so our service can remember that you have logged in already and can save you doing so more frequently.
Paul's Motels may participate in Google’s AdWords pay-per-click advertising programme. AdWords advertisements appear on Google’s search result pages and on the Google Network. Google uses cookies to measure the number of Google users that click on an advertisement and visit certain Paul's Motels web pages, or who complete certain actions on the Website (such as adding an item to their Watchlist). Google provides this data to Paul's Motels without identifying the users. View Google’s privacy policy.
We use additional information to do internal research on our users’ demographics, interests, and behaviour to better understand and serve you and our community. This information may include the URL that you just came from (whether this URL is on our site or not), which URL you next go to (whether this URL is on our site or not), what browser you are using, and your IP address.
Users who login have their IP addresses recorded. This information will only be provided to legal authorities in cases of suspected fraud or for law enforcement purposes. This information is stored securely and will not be provided to other members or non-authorised parties.
If you choose to post messages in any of our message areas or leave feedback for other users, we will collect such information you provide to us.
If you send us personal correspondence, such as emails or letters, or if other users or third parties send us correspondence about your activities or postings on the Site, we may collect such information into a file specific to you.
If you wish to have your registration and/or user data removed from Paul's Motels for any reason, you may open a support ticket or email us requesting this.

Some Paul's Motels advertisers may request information directly from users, or link to sites that do so. Paul's Motels has no control over its advertisers’ privacy policies, and encourages users to review such policies prior to submitting any personal information to them.
Paul's Motels contains non-advertising links to a variety of third party sites to enhance the member experience. Paul's Motels has no control of either the content or privacy policies of such sites, nor should such links be considered an endorsement of these sites except where otherwise noted.
From time to time, we make changes to our information practices or alter the functionality of our Website. We always update this statement accordingly, so we encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on privacy practices at Paul's Motels.
If you have any questions about our privacy policies or any other matter, please contact us.
Where feedback opportunities exist, Paul's Motels does not arbitrate in feedback.
Although certain exceptional circumstances will result in feedback being removed – where feedback services are offered, feedback will remain a permanent part of your Paul's Motels record. You may be held legally responsible for damages to the seller’s/advertisers reputation under the law of their jurisdiction. As a result, buyers must keep their feedback factual.
Paul's Motels will only remove feedback where it breaches our terms and conditions of feedback. Feedback that is over 30 days old will not be reviewed by Paul's Motels.
Feedback will be edited or removed if:
It contains swear words or other vulgarities *
It contains defamatory statements about the character of the individual *
It contains the seller’s name, contact details, phone number, email address not already available or other private means to individually identify the trader
Where either the seller or buyer placing feedback has been permanently removed from Paul's Motels for misbehaving
The feedback refers to any ongoing investigation by Paul's Motels, the police, or any other authorised party
Paul's Motels is ordered by a valid court order to remove feedback
* Paul's Motels reserves the right to determine what are considered swear words, other vulgarities or defamatory statements

These are the terms and conditions upon which Paul's Motels Limited (Paul's Motels) provides the Seller with a Payment Service (the Service) that enables the Seller to offer an online credit card payment option to people buying items from the Seller on Paul's Motels.
Sellers’ obligations and service levels
The Seller must maintain a current verified address at all times.
The Seller must not add surcharges for payments.
The Seller agrees to ship goods within three days of notification of payment otherwise in accordance with the listing shipping timetable.
The Seller agrees to provide comprehensive shipping/delivery options for all goods or services offering the Payment Service. Failure to do so may result in the Seller’s Payment Service status being revoked.
If the goods have been damaged in transit, then it is the Seller’s responsibility to refund the Buyer. The Seller may choose to recover this cost by applying for insurance from the shipping company. Paul's Motels will not be responsible to the Buyer or the Seller for anything.
Sellers agree to conduct themselves in good faith, respond to communications with Paul's Motels in the event of a dispute, and be bound by the outcome of any dispute resolution process that they enter into with the Buyer.
The Payment Service
Paul's Motels will provide the Seller with the option to accept payment by the Payment Service when listing an item.
For any listing where the Seller opts to accept payment by Payment Service during the listing process, Paul's Motels will:
Indicate on that listing that payment can be made by the Payment Service; and
Facilitate the option for buyers to pay for the item using the Payment Service.
How are transaction funds are held
Paul's Motels is not a party to any transaction between a Seller and a Buyer and therefore does not hold funds.
Transactions will only be conducted according to the terms and conditions laid out by the the chosen payment option of the Seller.
Seller’s Paul's Motels Account
Sellers will not be able to list an item if they have exceeded the terms of their monthly plan.
Sellers can upgrade their accounts with immediate effect and make additional listings.
Seller’s Bank Account
The Seller must have a verified bank account in their registered jurisdiction which will be the Seller’s Nominated Bank Account.
If the Seller changes their Nominated Bank Account more than twice in one year, we may investigate this matter.
If Paul's Motels needs to investigate your account and bank details you must comply and expect that your account may be suspended during the course of any investigation.
Fraud Prevention Measures
While Paul's Motels has systems in place to reduce the risk of fraud, Paul's Motels is not responsible for protecting the Seller from fraud, and this risk lies with the Seller.
Paul's Motels is not liable for falsely declining transactions, or for letting through transactions that result in Chargebacks and loss for sellers.
Reversals, Chargebacks and Refunds
These are the the responsibility of the Seller to deal with on the basis of their policy.
Transaction Limits
Transaction limits may apply and may be changed with notice to the Seller by Paul's Motels at any time.
The Service Provider/Seller accepts that:
Paul's Motels only facilitates the Service, and does not take any part in the sale itself including as an agent for either party.
Paul's Motels’s fraud protection systems may from time to time block legitimate payments. In these cases, payment will need to be made by other means.
Paul's Motels makes no warranty that the Service will meet the requirements of all prospective users, or that the Service (including any reports) will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error free.
Paul's Motels bears no responsibility or liability for any misconduct or mistakes by buyers or other third parties who are involved in the transaction.
Indemnity and Liability
A Seller agrees to indemnify Paul's Motels, its officers and employees against any claim or demand made by any third party due to or arising out of the Seller’s use of the Service.
All representation or warranties shall be enforceable against the Seller alone. However, such shall not be enforceable if it is:
Expressly provided in this Agreement;
Except any which may not lawfully be excluded; and
Except those expressly excluded by the parties
Paul's Motels may terminate this agreement immediately if the Seller breaches either this agreement or Paul's Motels’s general terms and conditions or engages in conduct that Paul's Motels deems inappropriate or unacceptable, including if it deems there to be unacceptable risk.
Either party may terminate this agreement for any other reason by giving 30 days notice.
Paul's Motels Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
Paul's Motels’s terms and conditions as set out on the Paul's Motels website form part of these terms and conditions and shall (with all necessary modifications) apply so far as is possible to this agreement.
Paul's Motels’s Privacy Policy applies to any information provided by the Seller to Paul's Motels under this agreement.