
Wild Life that is wild

Wild Life that is wild

Shark Cage diving is not an ordinary dive or fishing trip is it. 

When you get to Bluff you will have the opportunity to dive with Great Whites in their own playground. 

The actual diving takes place at the Northern Titi Islands  which are near Stewart Island. These Islands are famous for their Mutton Birds (Titi). 

Mutton birds are members of the Petrel family and live in burrows which they dig in the ground where they lay a single egg around November. Over the centuries Mutton Birds have been used  as a trade item for their feathers and down which are of cultural significance to  Rakiura Maori. 

Back to Sharks….while travelling to the Islands you get to do an induction course on safety and diving with sharks. 

The trip is about 10 hours long and full of thrills.

Are you brave enough to dive with the  sharks?  (In a cage of course)


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