Waitomo Caves
There are 3 caves that can be visited.
The largest is Ruakuri. According to Maori legend, Ruakuri Cave (rua meaning den, and kuri meaning dog) was first discovered 400-500 years ago by a young Maori hunting for birds.
He was attacked by wild dogs just outside the original cave entrance. Re-opened in 2005, this cave is now an amazing example of engineering and natural cave structure. Tane Tinorau, Chief of Kawhia, had crossed the country with a war party to attack the local Ngati Hau Tribe and gain land in the Waitomo area. A hunter was sent to spear birds for food and he discovered the entrance to the cave which was occupied by a number of wild dogs. The wild dogs attacked the hunter who dropped his catch and fled. Later, traps were set by the war party to capture the dogs and they were killed and eaten. Shortly afterwards on success of his attack Tane Tinorau took his people to live near the cave. The cave entrance was used by Maori as a burial ground (wahi tapu) and it is this sacred area that has now been protected with the construction of the spiral entrance a safe distance away.
The Gloworm Caves are the most famous of the Waitomo caves, having been a tourist attraction for over 130 years. Wonder through the cave and marvel at its tallest chamber, the Cathedral, before embarking on a short boat ride through the glow worm grotto. On the boat ride, you’ll sit in silence (glow worms don’t like noise) and be able to take in the magical creatures lighting up the cave above.
The third is Aranui Cave which in Maori means Great Path.
Although Aranui isn’t home to any glow worms, due to the absence of any water, it is home to some of the most spectacular pale brown, pink and white stalactites and stalagmites the Waitomo region has to offer. Everywhere you look in Aranui is adorned with fragile, sparkling formations, which create an enchanted and intimate experience.
There is also Black Water Rafting 80m underground. You can jump off waterfalls and float looking up at the gloworms.